Call Method in AppleScript

it ‚call method‘ ist es mit AppleScript möglich auf Cocoa Methoden zuzugreifen. Der direkte Zugriff war aus eine AS Studio Projekt möglich. Einfache AppleScripts können diese nur über einen kleinen Umweg mit ‚Automator‘ bewerkstelligen.

Trotz dem Ende von AS Studio mit AppleScriptObjC will ich einige Beispiele hier auflisten. Mit ASOC sind die Möglichkeiten natürlich noch umfangreicher um auf Cocoa Klassen zuzugreifen.

-- bouncing dock icon for short time
call method "requestUserAttention:" of class "NSApp" with parameter 10

-- endless bouncing dock icon
call method "requestUserAttention:" of class "NSApp" with parameter 1
-- Kapitalisieren (capitalize)
set foo to "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
tell application "Automator"
  set capitalizedString to call method "capitalizedString" of foo
end tell
-- Alles Kleinbuchstaben (lowercase)
set foo to "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
tell application "Automator"
  set lowercasedString to call method "lowercaseString" of foo
end tell
-- Alles Großbuchstaben (uppercase)
set foo to "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
tell application "Automator"
  set uppercasedString to call method "uppercaseString" of foo
end tell
-- eine URL encoden
set foo to "ööü"
tell application "Automator"
  set theNewPath to call method "stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:" of foo with parameter 5
  --> ergibt ""
end tell
-- eine URL decoden
tell application "Automator"
  set theNewestPath to call method "stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:" of "" with parameter 5
  --> ergibt "ööü"
end tell
-- Tilde (~) auflösen
set foo to "~/Library/Application Support"
tell application "Automator"
  set fullPathString to call method "stringByExpandingTildeInPath" of foo
end tell
-- Tilde (~) wieder hineinrechnen
set foo to POSIX path of (path to desktop folder)
tell application "Automator"
  set pathStringWithTilde to call method "stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath" of foo
end tell
-- Parent-Folder holen
set foo to "~/Library/Application Support"
tell application "Automator"
   set parentPath to call method "stringByDeletingLastPathComponent" of foo
end tell
-- Pfad um Komponente erweitern
set foo to "~/Library/"
tell application "Automator"
  set deeperPath to call method "stringByAppendingPathComponent:" of foo with parameters {"Application Support"}
end tell
-- Pfadkomonenten als Liste holen
set foo to "~/Library/Application Support"
tell application "Automator"
  set foo to call method "stringByExpandingTildeInPath" of foo
  set pathComponentsList to call method "pathComponents" of foo
end tell
-- Mehrere Pfade gleichzeitig bauen
set foo to "/Applications"
set fooList to {"Utilities/", "", ""}
tell application "Automator"
  set pathList to call method "stringsByAppendingPaths:" of foo with parameters {fooList}
end tell
-- einen kompletten Pfad bauen
set fooList to {"Applications", "Utilities", ""}
tell application "Automator"
  set theNewPath to call method "pathWithComponents:" of class "NSString" with parameters {fooList}
end tell
--search & replace in string
set {sourcestring, searchstring, replacestring} to {"Ich will ersetzt werden ;-)", "ersetzt", "versetzt"}
tell application "Automator"
  set resultstring to call method "stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:" of sourcestring with parameters {searchstring, replacestring}
end tell
--php like explode/implode
set {sourcestring, delimiter} to {"Das#ist#ein#Test", "#"}
tell application "Automator"
  set splitStringList to call method "componentsSeparatedByString:" of sourcestring with parameter delimiter
end tell
--php like explode/implode
set {sourcestring, delimiter} to {"Das#ist#ein#Test", "#"}
tell application "Automator"
  set splitStringList to call method "componentsSeparatedByString:" of sourcestring with parameter delimiter
  set joinedString to call method "componentsJoinedByString:" of splitStringList with parameter delimiter
end tell