#rem In this demo I create two bodies and then join them with a Joint. one body is a static body. Please take this demo and expend it with explanations so we can all learn. (keep it simple..) #End '----Imports----' Import box2d.collision Import box2d.collision.shapes Import box2d.common.math Import box2d.dynamics.contacts Import box2d.dynamics Import box2d.flash.flashtypes Import box2d.common.math.b2vec2 '----Test Zone----' Function Main() New Box2DLoop End Function '----Main Loop----' Class Box2DLoop Extends App 'Box 2D World Definitions Field BXworld : b2World 'Box2D physical World Object Field m_velocityIterations : Int = 10 'Dont know whats this yet. Field m_positionIterations : Int = 10 'Either that. Field m_timeStep : Float = 1.0/60 'Hmm, I know whats this but no changes accured when presetting. Field m_physScale : Float = 1 ' 30 'I Change its value but same results. Field m_debugdrawscale : Float = 10 'This Affects the size of the physical Body Display 'A Box2D Object Definition Field ABody:b2Body 'The Actual Body Field BBody:b2Body 'The Actual Body Field BodyDef:b2BodyDef Field BodyShape:b2PolygonShape Field BodyFixture:b2FixtureDef Method OnCreate() 'Display Setup SetUpdateRate(60) '--Box2D Section--' 'World Setups BXworld = New b2World(New b2Vec2(0,9.7),True) 'General Body Definitions BodyDef =New b2BodyDef BodyShape =New b2PolygonShape() BodyFixture=New b2FixtureDef BodyDef.type=b2Body.b2_Body 'A dynamic body set BodyFixture.density =1.0 BodyFixture.friction =0.5 BodyFixture.restitution =0.1 BodyShape.SetAsBox(5,5) BodyFixture.shape=BodyShape 'Create Body 1 ABody=BXworld.CreateBody(BodyDef) ABody.CreateFixture(BodyFixture) ABody.SetPosition(New b2Vec2(20,20)) 'Create Body 2 BBody=BXworld.CreateBody(BodyDef) BBody.CreateFixture(BodyFixture) BBody.SetPosition(New b2Vec2(45,20)) BBody.SetType(True) 'Setting the Body as Static '------------------------------------------------------------' 'Basic Creation of Joint type revolute.. Local NewJoint:b2RevoluteJointDef=New b2RevoluteJointDef NewJoint.Initialize(ABody,BBody,New b2Vec2(30.0,25.0)) BXworld.CreateJoint(NewJoint) '------------------------------------------------------------' 'Debug Settings 'Delete this section if you dont need to see the physical process. Local dbgDraw :b2DebugDraw = New b2DebugDraw() dbgDraw.SetDrawScale(m_debugdrawscale) dbgDraw.SetFillAlpha(0.3) dbgDraw.SetLineThickness(1.0) dbgDraw.SetFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit | b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit)'| b2DebugDraw.e_pairBit) BXworld.SetDebugDraw(dbgDraw) End Method Method OnRender() Cls 'Box2D Display Section BXworld.DrawDebugData() 'Delete this line if you dont need to see the physical process in graphics. (must also delete 'Box2D Debug Settings section above) End Method Method OnUpdate() 'The Stepping of Box2D Engine BXworld.TimeStep(m_timeStep,m_velocityIterations,m_positionIterations) BXworld.ClearForces() 'Dont know why you need this.. End Method End Class