'****************************************************************** '* Diffusion Example '* Author: Richard R Betson '* Date: 11/25/11 '* Language: Monkey '* Target: HTML5 '****************************************************************** ' Linsence - Public Domain '****************************************************************** ' Web Site - <a href="http://redeyeware.uphero.com" target="_blank">http://redeyeware.uphero.com</a> '****************************************************************** ' Canvas Wrapper Mod by Impixi - <a href="http://www.monkeycoder.co.nz/Community/posts.php?topic=1885" target="_blank">http://www.monkeycoder.co.nz/Community/posts.php?topic=1885</a> '****************************************************************** Import monkey Import mojo Import canvaswrapper Global flag=0 Global clra:Int Global ang_index_1:Int[360],ang_index_2:Int[360],ang_index_3:Int[360],ang_index_4:Int[360] Function Main() New Diffusion End Function Class Diffusion Extends App Field imd:ImageData Global fps,fp,fps_t Global mapx:Int[77900] Global mapx1:Int[77900] Global mapx2:Int[77900] Global mapx3:Int[77900] Global mapx4:Int[77900] Global clrr:Int[77900] Global clrb:Int[77900] Global clrr1:Int[77900] Global clrb1:Int[77900] Global ii Global fxsel_ttl Global fxsel Global fred:Int=1,fblue:Int=2 Global qtext:String="Highest Quality",qt:Int=3,widetext:String="" Global xa:Int=1,xb:Int=319,ya:Int=1,yb:Int=239 Method OnCreate() fxsel_ttl=Millisecs()+16000 SetUpdateRate(60) SetLookUp() imd = xCanvas.CreateImageData(640,480)'640,480) Local i2:Int For i2=0 To 359 ang_index_1[i2]=(160 + (Sin(i2)*40) ) ang_index_2[i2]=(120 + (Cos(i2)*40) ) ang_index_3[i2]=(160 + (-Sin(i2)*40) ) ang_index_4[i2]=(120 + (-Cos(i2)*40) ) Next End Method Method OnUpdate() If KeyHit(KEY_F1) For Local y=0 To 240 'Local y1:Int=320 *y For Local x= 0 To 320 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, x*2,(y*2), 0, 0, 0, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, (x*2)+1,(y*2) ,0, 0, 0, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, (x*2),((y*2)+1), 0, 0, 0, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, ((x*2)+1),((y*2)+1) ,0, 0, 0, 255) Next Next 'Cls qt=qt+1 If qt>5 Then qt=0 If qt=0 Then qtext="Low Quality" If qt=1 Then qtext="Med Quality" If qt=2 Then qtext="Med-High Quality" If qt=3 Then qtext="Highest Quality" If qt=4 Then qtext="1/4 Screen H-Quality" If qt=5 Then qtext="1/4 Screen x 4 H-Quality" Endif If KeyHit(KEY_F2) For Local y=0 To 240 'Local y1:Int=320 *y For Local x= 0 To 320 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, x*2,(y*2), 0, 0, 0, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, (x*2)+1,(y*2) ,0, 0, 0, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, (x*2),((y*2)+1), 0, 0, 0, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, ((x*2)+1),((y*2)+1) ,0, 0, 0, 255) Next Next If widetext="" ya=60 yb=180 widetext="WIDE -" Else ya=1 yb=239 widetext="" Endif Endif If fxsel_ttl<millisecs() fxsel="" fxsel_ttl="Millisecs()+14000" if="">4 Then fxsel=0 Select fxsel Case 0 fred=1 fblue=2 Case 1 fred=50 fblue=4 Case 2 fred=3 fblue=3 Case 3 fred=2 fblue=4 Case 4 fred=3 fblue=4 End Select Endif End Method Method OnRender() fps=fps+1 If fps_t<millisecs() fp="(fps)" fps_t="1000+Millisecs()" fps="0" endif="" ii="" if="">359 Then ii=0 Local x2:Int=ang_index_1[ii] Local y2:Int=ang_index_2[ii] Local x3:Int=ang_index_3[ii] Local y3:Int=ang_index_4[ii] 'Draw Line LineB(160,120,x2,y2) LineB(160,120,x3,y3) For Local zz=0 To 100 Local xz=Int(Rnd(50))+135 Local yz=Int(Rnd(50))+95 clrb1[ ( 320 *yz ) +xz ]=255 Next For Local y=ya To yb Local y2:Int=(320 *y) For Local x= xa To xb Local y1:Int=y2+x 'Apply mapping via lookup table If fxsel=0 clrr[ y1 ] = clrr1[ mapx[ y1 ] ] clrb[ y1 ] = clrb1[ mapx[ y1 ] ] Else If fxsel=1 clrr[ y1 ] = clrr1[ mapx1[ y1 ] ] clrb[ y1 ] = clrb1[ mapx1[ y1 ] ] Else If fxsel=2 clrr[ y1 ] = clrr1[ mapx2[ y1 ] ] clrb[ y1 ] = clrb1[ mapx2[ y1 ] ] Else If fxsel=3 clrr[ y1 ] = clrr1[ mapx3[ y1 ] ] clrb[ y1 ] = clrb1[ mapx3[ y1 ] ] Else If fxsel=4 clrr[ y1 ] = clrr1[ mapx4[ y1 ] ] clrb[ y1 ] = clrb1[ mapx4[ y1 ] ] Endif Next Next Local sumr,sumb,b,r For Local y=ya To yb Local y1:Int=320 *y Local yn1:Int=y*2 For Local x= xa To xb Local yn2:Int=y1+x 'Blur Image and Fade Color r=clrr[yn2] sumr = ((r*4) + clrr[ yn2+1 ] + clrr[ yn2-1 ] + clrr[ ( y1-1 ) + x ] + clrr[ ( y1+1 ) + x ] ) Shr 3 b=clrb[yn2] sumb = ((b*4) + clrb[ yn2+1 ] + clrb[ yn2-1 ] + clrb[ ( y1-1 ) + x ] + clrb[ ( y1+1 ) + x ] ) Shr 3 r=sumr-fred b=sumb-fblue If r<0 then="" r="" if="">255 Then r=255 If b<0 then="" b="" if="">255 Then b=255 clrr1[ yn2 ]=r clrb1[ yn2 ]=b Local xn1:Int=x*2 If qt=0 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1,yn1, r, 0, b, 255) Else If qt=1 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1,yn1, r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1,yn1+1, r, 0, b, 255) Else If qt=2 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1,yn1, r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1+1,yn1 ,r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1,yn1+1, r, 0, b, 255) Else If qt=3 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1,yn1, r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1+1,yn1 ,r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1,yn1+1, r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, xn1+1,yn1+1 ,r, 0, b, 255) Else If qt=4 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, x,y, r, 0, b, 255) Else If qt=5 xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, x,y, r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, (x+319),y ,r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, x,(y+239), r, 0, b, 255) xCanvas.SetImageDataPixel(imd, (x+319),(y+239) ,r, 0, b, 255) Endif Next Next xCanvas.DrawImageData imd, 0, 0 DrawText("Hit F1/F2 Change Qualtity-Size/Wide Screen: "+widetext+" "+qtext,10,440) DrawText("HTML5 Diffusion - Richard Betson, <a href="http://redeyeware.uphero.com" target="_blank">http://redeyeware.uphero.com</a> - FPS:"+fp,10,460) End Method Function LineB(x1,y1,x2,y2) 'Ported 'Bresenham Line Algorithm 'Source - GameDev.Net - Mark Feldman 'Public Domain Local deltax = Abs(x2 - x1) Local deltay = Abs(y2 - y1) Local numpixels,d,dinc1,dinc2,xinc1,xinc2,yinc1,yinc2,x,y,i If deltax >= deltay numpixels = deltax + 1 d = (2 * deltay) - deltax dinc1 = deltay Shl 1 dinc2 = (deltay - deltax) Shl 1 xinc1 = 1 xinc2 = 1 yinc1 = 0 yinc2 = 1 Else numpixels = deltay + 1 d = (2 * deltax) - deltay dinc1 = deltax Shl 1 dinc2 = (deltax - deltay) Shl 1 xinc1 = 0 xinc2 = 1 yinc1 = 1 yinc2 = 1 Endif If x1 > x2 xinc1 = -xinc1 xinc2 = -xinc2 Endif If y1 > y2 yinc1 = -yinc1 yinc2 = -yinc2 Endif x = x1 y = y1 For i = 1 To numpixels If d < 0 d = d + dinc1 x = x + xinc1 y = y + yinc1 Else d = d + dinc2 x = x + xinc2 y = y + yinc2 Endif 'Draw line If x>xa And x<xb and="" y="">ya And y<yb clrr1="" 320="" y="0" x="0" endif="" next="" end="" function="" method="" setlookup="" local="" ang="0" for="" lui="0" to="" 4="" 240="" rad="" abs="" y-120="" if="">0 rad= Sqrt(rad) Else rad=0 Endif If rad=0 Then rad=1 Local dx#=((x-160)/(rad)) Local dy#=((y-120)/(rad)) If lui=1 rad= ( ( ( ((Sin(rad*.2)*29.5) ) * ( ((Cos(rad*.81)*9.5) ) ) ) ) ) dx=(dx*Cos(ang) - dy*Sin(ang)) dy=(dy*Cos(ang) + dx*Sin(ang)) Local x1=Int(dx*rad)+(160) Local y1=Int(dy*rad)+(120) If y1<1 then="" y1="" if="">240 Then y1=240 If x1<1 then="" x1="" if="">320 Then x1=320 mapx1[ ( 320 *y ) +x ] = ( 320 *y1 ) +x1'Int(x1) Endif If lui=2 'Free Float ang=1 rad= 1-( ( rad- (Sin(rad*900)*-Cos(rad*900)*.5 )*3.1415926 ) * (-Cos((3.1415926) ) )*.9 ) Local x1=Int(dx*rad)+(160) Local y1=Int(dy*rad)+(120) x1= ( x1*Cos(ang) - y1*Sin(ang) ) y1= ( x1*Sin(ang) + y1*Cos(ang) ) If y1<1 then="" y1="" if="">240 Then y1=240 If x1<1 then="" x1="" if="">320 Then x1=320 mapx2[ ( 320 *y ) +x ] = ( 320 *y1 ) +x1 Endif If lui=3 rad= rad-( (Sin(rad*PI)*3)- ((Cos(rad*PI)*3) ) ) dx=(dx*Cos(ang) - dy*Sin(ang)) dy=(dy*Cos(ang) + dx*Sin(ang)) Local x1=Int(dx*rad)+(160) Local y1=Int(dy*rad)+(120) If y1<1 then="" y1="" if="">240 Then y1=240 If x1<1 then="" x1="" if="">320 Then x1=320 mapx3[ ( 320 *y ) +x ] = ( 320 *y1 ) +x1 Endif If lui=0 ang=-3 Local yq:Int=y If yq<=120 rad= rad-( (Sin(yq)) ) rad= rad-( (Cos(yq)) ) Else rad= rad-( (Sin((240-yq)) ) ) rad= rad-( (Cos((240-yq)) ) ) Endif dx=(dx*Cos(ang) - dy*Sin(ang)) dy=(dy*Cos(ang) + dx*Sin(ang)) Local x1=Int(dx*rad)+(160) Local y1=Int(dy*rad)+(120) If y1<1 then="" y1="" if="">240 Then y1=240 If x1<1 then="" x1="" if="">320 Then x1=320 mapx[ ( 320 *y ) +x ] = ( 320 *y1 ) +x1 Endif If lui=39 'Orb rad= 2-( ( rad- (Sin(rad)*(Cos(rad)) )*3.1415926 ) * (-Cos((3.1415926) ))*.97 ) dx=(dx*Cos(ang) - dy*Sin(ang)) dy=(dy*Cos(ang) + dx*Sin(ang)) Local x1=Int(dx*rad)+(160) Local y1=Int(dy*rad)+(120) If y1<1 then="" y1="" if="">240 Then y1=240 If x1<1 then="" x1="" if="">320 Then x1=320 mapx3[ ( 320 *y ) +x ] = ( 320 *y1 ) +x1 Endif If lui=4 'Swirl ang=-3 rad= 1-( ( rad- (Sin(rad)*-Cos(rad)*.9 )*3.1415926 ) * (-Cos((3.1415926) ) )*.9 ) dx=(dx*Cos(ang) - dy*Sin(ang)) dy=(dy*Cos(ang) + dx*Sin(ang)) Local x1=Int(dx*rad)+(160) Local y1=Int(dy*rad)+(120) If y1<1 then="" y1="" if="">240 Then y1=240 If x1<1 then="" x1="" if="">320 Then x1=320 mapx4[ ( 320 *y ) +x ] = ( 320 *y1 ) +x1 Endif Next Next Next End Method End Class