Monkey: fantomEngine – using text object as a button


   Script:      touchTest.monkey
   Description:   Sample Script fantomEngine to display the use of touch events 
   Author:       Michael

Import fantomEngine
Global g:game

Class game Extends App
   Field eng:engine
   Field font1:ftFont
   Method CreateObjects:Int()

      'Create a box
      Local b:ftObject = eng.CreateBox(100,50,eng.canvasWidth/2,eng.canvasHeight/2-150)
      'Set TouchMode to bounding box(2)    ... 1=Circle

      'Create a circle
      Local c:ftObject = eng.CreateCircle(50,eng.canvasWidth/2,eng.canvasHeight/2)

      'Create a text
      Local t:ftObject = eng.CreateText(font1,"This is a clickable text", eng.canvasWidth/2,eng.canvasHeight/2+150,1)

      Return 0
   Method OnCreate:Int()

      'Store the engine instance
      eng = New engine

      'Load the font bitmap
      font1 = eng.LoadFont("bo_font")             '<========== please change this to a font that you have

      'Create the objects
      Return 0

   Method OnUpdate:Int()
      Local d:Float = Float(eng.CalcDeltaTime())/60.0
      'check if you have a touch hit and then do a touch check.
      If TouchHit(0) Then   eng.TouchCheck()
      Return 0

   Method OnRender:Int()
      Return 0

Class engine Extends ftEngine
   Method OnObjectTouch:Int(obj:ftObject, touchId:Int)
      Print ("Object "+obj.GetName()+" was hit!")
      Return 0

Function Main:Int()
   g = New game
   Return 0