(* this in a older examples that i found in the web... *) on open fileList repeat with aDoc in fileList set filePath to aDoc as string if filePath ends with ":" then else set fileInfo to (info for file filePath) if file type of fileInfo is in {"XDOC", "XPRT"} then set docName to name of fileInfo set docVers to getVers(filePath) display dialog "Die Version des Dokuments " & docName & ": " & docVers & "." buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon 1 end if end if end repeat end open on getVers(filePath) set versionClue to read file filePath for 12 if versionClue contains "MM" then if versionClue ends with "?" then return "QuarkXPress 3.x (Mac)" else if versionClue ends with "A" then return "QuarkXPress 4.x (Mac)" else if versionClue ends with "B" then return "QuarkXPress 5.x (Mac)" else if versionClue ends with "C" then return "QuarkXPress 6.x (Mac)" else return "unbekannt (Mac)" end if else if versionClue contains "II" then set testChar to character 11 of versionClue if character 11 of versionClue = "?" then return "QuarkXPress 3.x (Windows)" else if character 11 of versionClue = "A" then return "QuarkXPress 4.x (Windows)" else if character 11 of versionClue = "B" then return "QuarkXPress 5.x (Windows)" else if character 11 of versionClue = "C" then return "QuarkXPress 6.x (Windows)" else return "unbekannt (Windows)" end if end if end getVers