Folgendes kleines AppleScript wurde inspiriert durch ein PHP Script.
Ein mit Formularfeldern pröpariertes PDF wird als Vorlage benutzt. Die Formularfelder die als Wert bzw. Standardtext einen Platzhalter enthalten werden durch suchen/ersetzen mit Werten befüllt.
Dieses PDF kann einfach mit den Formularfunktionen von OpenOffice erstellt werden. Hier ist die OO Beispieldatei zu finden.
Einfach und genial. Ein Ansatz mit Potenzial ;-)
(* pdf_form_fill.applescript This applescript was inspired by the php script pdf_form_fill from @author Lars Wegmann The script replaces the values of the form textfield in a pdf file. For example: Make a new OpenOffice Writer document, insert some form textfields. The value of the fields represents the placeholders that would be replaced later with applescript. Notice: The placeholder it self must have the lenght of the maxlength of the form textfield. If the textfield has 40 characters the placeholder must have also 40 characters. The replace string can't be longer than the search string (the placeholder). *) --search/replace array set arr to {{"###FELD1###", "X1"}, {"###FELD2###", "X2"}} --open pdf file set pdfdata to readFile("/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/test/PDF/pdf-test.pdf") --process search/replace array set pdfdata to processArray(pdfdata, arr) --write pdf file writeFile("/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/test/PDF/pdf-test-replaced.pdf", pdfdata) on readFile(unixPath) set foo to (open for access (POSIX file unixPath)) set txt to (read foo for (get eof foo)) close access foo return txt end readFile on writeFile(unixPath, theData) set f to open for access unixPath with write permission write theData to f as string close access f end writeFile -- process array of search|replace values on processArray(theData, arr) repeat with sr in arr --search replace ascii if item 1 of sr is in theData then set theData to str_replace(item 1 of sr, str_pad(item 1 of sr, item 2 of sr), theData) end if --search replace hex if string2hex(item 1 of sr) is in theData then set theData to str_replace(string2hex(item 1 of sr), str_pad(string2hex(item 1 of sr), string2hex(item 2 of sr)), theData) end if end repeat return theData end processArray -- convert string to hex value on string2hex(this_String) set hex to "" repeat with i from 1 to count of this_String set hex to hex & char2hex(character i of this_String) end repeat return hex as string end string2hex -- convert character to hex value on char2hex(this_char) set the ASCII_num to (the ASCII number this_char) set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"} set x to item ((ASCII_num div 16) + 1) of the hex_list set y to item ((ASCII_num mod 16) + 1) of the hex_list return ("00" & x & y) as string end char2hex on str_pad(str1, str2) set c1 to count of str1 set c2 to count of str2 set pad to "" if c2 is less than c1 then repeat with i from 1 to c1 - c2 set pad to pad & " " end repeat end if return str2 & pad end str_pad -- find : Text (or list of text) to be found -- replace : Text (or list of text) to replace with -- subject : Text (or list of text) to be searched on str_replace(find, replace, subject) set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript set returnList to true -- This wouldn't make sense (you could have it raise an error instead) if class of find is not list and class of replace is list then return subject if class of find is not list then set find to {find} if class of subject is not list then ¬ set {subject, returnList} to {{subject}, false} set findCount to count find set usingReplaceList to class of replace is list try repeat with i from 1 to (count subject) set thisSubject to item i of subject repeat with n from 1 to findCount set text item delimiters of AppleScript to item n of find set thisSubject to text items of thisSubject if usingReplaceList then try item n of replace on error "" -- `replace` ran out of items end try else replace end if set text item delimiters of AppleScript to result set thisSubject to "" & thisSubject end repeat set item i of subject to thisSubject end repeat end try set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs if not returnList then return beginning of subject return subject end str_replace