(* excel_setnameofsheet.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" set name of sheet 1 to "New Sheet Name 1" set name of sheet 2 to "New Sheet Name 2" set name of sheet 3 to "New Sheet Name 3" end tell
(* excel_setnameofsheet.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" set name of sheet 1 to "New Sheet Name 1" set name of sheet 2 to "New Sheet Name 2" set name of sheet 3 to "New Sheet Name 3" end tell
(* excel_activatesheet.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" set activesheet to get entry index of active sheet activate object sheet 1 delay 2 activate object sheet 2 delay 2 activate object sheet 3 end tell
(* excel_alignment.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" tell range "A1:J10" of active sheet set horizontal alignment to horizontal align center set vertical alignment to vertical alignment center set wrap text to true end tell end tell
(* excel_print.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" print out active sheet print out active sheet from 2 to 2 copies 4 print out active workbook end tell
(* excel_sortrange.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" tell active sheet sort range "A1" order1 sort ascending key1 column 1 order2 sort ascending key2 column 2 header header no without match case end tell end tell
(* excel_selection.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" select range "A1" delay 3 select (cell 6 of row 10 of active sheet) delay 3 select range "B10:C14" end tell
(* excel_columnrow.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" --set column width and row height set row height of range "1:30" to 40 -- points (rows) set column width of range "A:Z" to 2 -- characters (columns) delay 3 -- set range to autofit tell range "A1:Z30" of active sheet repeat with i from 1 to (count columns) autofit column i end repeat end tell end tell
(* excel_addcomment.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" tell range "A10" of active sheet set cmt to its Excel comment -- no error if nothing (dummy comment) set vis to visible of cmt --get any property , returns missing value if empty if vis is missing value then set cmt to add comment end if end tell tell cmt Excel comment text text "My comment" --overwrites, but omit 'over write'! set visible to true select its shape object -- to allow editing end tell end tell
(* excel_copypaste.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" copy range (range "A1:J10" of sheet "Sheet1" of active workbook) tell sheet "Sheet1" paste worksheet destination range "J3" end tell end tell
(* excel_setvalues.applescript *) tell application "Microsoft Excel" set value of range "A1:A1" of active sheet to "NEUER WERT" set value of range "A2:B3" of active sheet to {{"X1", "X2"}, {"X3", "X4"}} set value of range "A7:B5;G9;A16:D19" to 5 end tell