* @description
* CG.Entity the base class of Cangaja
var e = new CG.Entity({
name: 'player',
position: new CG.Point(100,100)
* @class CG.Entity
* @extends CG.Class
CG.Class.extend('Entity', {
* Options:
* name {string}
* position {CG.Point}
* @constructor
* @method init
* @param options {Object} the name of the Entity
init: function (options) {
CG._extend(this, {
name: '',
position: new CG.Point(0, 0),
@description visibility option
@property visible {boolean}
visible: true,
@description Transform object for matrix transformation
@property transform {Transform}
transform: new Transform(),
@property width {Number}
width: 0,
@property height {Number}
height: 0,
@property dragable {boolean}
dragable: true,
@property rotation {Number}
rotation: 0,
@property xscale {Number}
xscale: 1,
@property xhandle {Number}
xhandle: 0,
@property yscale {Number}
yscale: 1,
@property yhandle {Number}
yhandle: 0,
@property clicked {boolean}
clicked: false,
@property hover {boolean}
hover: false,
@property boundingradius {Number}
boundingradius: 0, //radius for circular collision bounds
@property mapcollision {boolean}
mapcollision: false
if (options) {
CG._extend(this, options)
return this
update: function () {
updateMatrix: function () {
this.transform.translate(this.position.x, this.position.y)
this.transform.rotate(this.rotation * CG.Const_PI_180)
this.transform.scale(this.xscale, this.yscale)
draw: function () {
throw {
name: 'Entity Error',
message: 'Subclass has no draw method.'
* @description initialize image for object. for now => sprite, particle, buffer, bitmap and button use it
* @method setImage
* @param {image} image image path, image or atlasimage
setImage: function (image) {
this.atlasimage = false
if (image) {
if (image instanceof CG.AtlasImage) {
//AtlasImage from MediaAsset
this.image = Game.asset.getImageByName(image.atlasname)
this.imagerotation = image.rotation //|| 0
this.xoffset = image.xoffset
this.yoffset = image.yoffset
this.width = image.width
this.height = image.height
this.atlasimage = true
if (this.imagerotation !== 0) {
this.cutwidth = image.height
this.cutheight = image.width
this.xhandle = this.height / 2
this.yhandle = this.width / 2
} else {
this.cutwidth = image.width
this.cutheight = image.height
this.xhandle = this.width / 2
this.yhandle = this.height / 2
} else if (typeof image == 'string' && image != '') {
//path to image
this.image = new Image()
this.image.src = image
this.image.onload = function () {
this.width = this.image.width
this.height = this.image.height
this.xhandle = this.width / 2
this.yhandle = this.height / 2
} else {
//image from MediaAsset
this.image = image
this.width = this.image.width
this.height = this.image.height
this.xhandle = this.width / 2
this.yhandle = this.height / 2
* @description returns the bounds of rotated rectangle
* @method AABB
* @return {object} returns the calculated bounds
AABB: function () {
var a = this.rotation * CG.Const_PI_180,
s = Math.sin(a),
c = Math.cos(a)
if (s < 0) s = -s
if (c < 0) c = -c
return {
bw: this.height * this.xscale * s + this.width * this.yscale * c,
bh: this.height * this.xscale * c + this.width * this.yscale * s
* @description checks click inside of the rectangle, supports rotation
* @method ifClicked
* @return {true/false}
ifClicked: function () {
if (CG.mousedown && this.clickable) {
var dx = CG.mouse.x - this.position.x,
dy = CG.mouse.y - this.position.y,
h1 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy),
currA = Math.atan2(dy, dx),
newA = currA - (this.rotation * CG.Const_PI_180),
x2 = Math.cos(newA) * h1,
y2 = Math.sin(newA) * h1
if (x2 > -0.5 * (this.width * this.xscale) &&
x2 < 0.5 * (this.width * this.xscale) &&
y2 > -0.5 * (this.height * this.yscale) &&
y2 < 0.5 * (this.height * this.yscale)) {
this.clicked = true
CG.mousedown = false
} else {
this.clicked = false
* @description checks if the mouse/pointer is over the rectangle
* @method ifMouseOver
ifMouseOver: function () {
var dx = CG.mouse.x - this.position.x,
dy = CG.mouse.y - this.position.y,
h1 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy),
currA = Math.atan2(dy, dx),
newA = currA - (this.rotation * CG.Const_PI_180),
x2 = Math.cos(newA) * h1,
y2 = Math.sin(newA) * h1
if (x2 > -0.5 * (this.width * this.xscale) &&
x2 < 0.5 * (this.width * this.xscale) &&
y2 > -0.5 * (this.height * this.yscale) &&
y2 < 0.5 * (this.height * this.yscale)) {
this.hover = true
} else {
this.hover = false
* @description checks if there is a collision of the given objects to this object http://devmag.org.za/2009/04/13/basic-collision-detection-in-2d-part-1/
* @method checkCollision
* @param objects {array} a array of objects to check for collision => Sprites, Animations, MapAreas
* @param callback {callback} what to do after collision?
checkCollision: function (objects, callback) {
objects.forEach(function (obj, index) {
if (obj.className == 'MapArea') {
if ((this.position.y + this.AABB().bh / 2) >= obj.bound.y &&
this.position.y - this.AABB().bh / 2 <= (obj.bound.y + obj.bound.height) &&
(this.position.x + this.AABB().bw / 2) >= obj.bound.x &&
this.position.x - this.AABB().bw / 2 <= (obj.bound.x + obj.bound.width )) {
if (obj.type === 'outer') {
w = 0.5 * (this.width + obj.bound.width)
h = 0.5 * (this.height + obj.bound.height)
dx = this.position.x - (obj.bound.width / 2 + obj.bound.x)
dy = this.position.y - (obj.bound.height / 2 + obj.bound.y)
if (Math.abs(dx) <= w && Math.abs(dy) <= h) {
/* collision! */
wy = w * dy;
hx = h * dx;
if (wy > hx) {
if (wy > -hx) {
direction = 'bottom'
overlap = ((this.position.y - this.AABB().bh / 2) - (obj.bound.y + obj.bound.height)) >> 0
} else {
direction = 'left'
overlap = ((this.position.x + this.AABB().bw / 2) - obj.bound.x) >> 0
} else {
if (wy > -hx) {
direction = 'right'
overlap = ((this.position.x - this.AABB().bw / 2) - (obj.bound.x + obj.bound.width)) >> 0
} else {
direction = 'top'
overlap = ((this.position.y + this.AABB().bh / 2) - obj.bound.y) >> 0
collision = {
overlap: overlap,
direction: direction
//callback arguments: this => the sprite, obj => the maparea if needed, collision => {collison direction, offset}
callback(this, obj, collision)
else if (this.boundingradius > 0 && obj.boundingradius > 0) {
//check boundingradius for circuar collision
distx = this.position.x - obj.position.x
disty = this.position.y - obj.position.y
dist = Math.sqrt((distx * distx) + (disty * disty))
if (dist <= (this.boundingradius / 2 * this.xscale + obj.boundingradius / 2 * obj.yscale)) {
collision = false //dummy
callback(this, obj, collision)
else {
//if boundingradius is 0, fallback to bounding collision
if ((this.position.y + this.AABB().bh / 2) >= obj.position.y - obj.AABB().bh / 2 &&
this.position.y - this.AABB().bh / 2 <= (obj.position.y + obj.AABB().bh / 2) &&
(this.position.x + this.AABB().bw / 2) >= obj.position.x - obj.AABB().bw / 2 &&
this.position.x - this.AABB().bw / 2 <= (obj.position.x + obj.AABB().bw / 2)) {
w = 0.5 * (this.width + obj.width)
h = 0.5 * (this.height + obj.height)
dx = this.position.x - obj.position.x
dy = this.position.y - obj.position.y
if (Math.abs(dx) <= w && Math.abs(dy) <= h) {
/* collision! */
wy = w * dy;
hx = h * dx;
if (wy > hx) {
if (wy > -hx) {
direction = 'bottom'
overlap = ((this.position.y - this.AABB().bh / 2) - (obj.position.y - obj.AABB().bh / 2)) >> 0
} else {
direction = 'left'
overlap = ((this.position.x + this.AABB().bw / 2) - (obj.position.x + obj.AABB().bw / 2)) >> 0
} else {
if (wy > -hx) {
direction = 'right'
overlap = ((this.position.x - this.AABB().bw / 2) - (obj.position.x - obj.AABB().bw / 2)) >> 0
} else {
direction = 'top'
overlap = ((this.position.y + this.AABB().bh / 2) - (obj.position.y + obj.AABB().bh / 2)) >> 0
collision = {
overlap: overlap,
direction: direction
callback(this, obj, collision)
return this
function EntityException(msg) {
this.msg = msg