API Docs for: 0.1.0

File: cangaja/box2d/b2d-polygon.js

                         * @description
                         * B2DPolygon  is a simple b2PolygonShape wrapper element with basic physics properties.
                         * It uses PhysicsEditor json files, use export Lime + Corona (json).
                         * Supported options for now are friction, density and bounce and would be set to B2DPolygon.
                         var e = new CG.B2DPolygon({
                            name: 'player',
                            image: this.asset.getImageByName('glowball'),
                            texturepacker: this.asset.getJsonByName('powerstar75'),
                            x: 100,
                            y: 100,
                            world: b2world,
                            scale: 40,
                            bodyType: box2d.b2BodyType.b2_staticBody,
                            bullet: false
                         * @class CG.B2DPolygon
                         * @extends CG.B2DEntity
                        CG.B2DEntity.extend('B2DPolygon', {
                             * Options:
                             * name {string}
                             * image {mixed}
                             * texturepacker {string}
                             * x {number}
                             * y (number}
                             * world {object}
                             * scale {number}
                             * bodyType {box2d.b2BodyType}
                             * bullet {boolean}
                             * @method init
                             * @constructor
                             * @param options {Object}
                             * @return {*}
                            init: function (options) {
                                CG._extend(this, {
                                     * @property polys
                                     * @type {Array}
                                    polys: new Array(),
                                     * @property bullet
                                     * @type {*}
                                    bullet: false
                                this.instanceOf = 'B2DPolygon'
                                 * @property jsondata
                                 * @type {*}
                        //        this.jsondata = jsonpoly.data[jsonpoly.name]
                                this.jsondata = this.texturepacker.data[this.name]
                                 * @property vecs
                                 * @type {Array}
                                this.vecs = new Array()
                                this.vecs = this.getPolysFromJson(this.texturepacker) // build grouped b2vecs from physicseditor
                                //@TODO get alternative polys from bitmap contourTrace & triangulation?
                                 * @property bodyDef.type
                                 * @type {box2d.b2BodyType.b2_staticBody/box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody/box2d.b2BodyType.b2_kinematicBody/box2d.b2BodyType.b2_bulletBody}
                                this.bodyDef.type = this.bodyType
                                 * @property bodyDef.position
                                this.bodyDef.position.SetXY(this.x / this.scale, this.y / this.scale)
                                 * @property bodyDef.userData
                                 * @type {*}
                                this.bodyDef.userData = this.id
                                 * @property bodyDef.bullet
                                 * @type {*}
                                this.bodyDef.bullet = this.bullet
                                 * @property body
                                 * @type {b2Body}
                                this.body = this.world.CreateBody(this.bodyDef)
                                for (var i = 0, l = this.vecs.length; i < l; i++) {
                                    this.bodyShapePoly = new b2PolygonShape
                                    this.bodyShapePoly.bounce = this.jsondata[i].bounce        //value from physics editor
                                    this.bodyShapePoly.SetAsArray(this.vecs[i], this.vecs[i].length)
                                    this.fixDef.density = this.jsondata[i].density                  //value from physics editor
                                    this.fixDef.friction = this.jsondata[i].friction                //value from physics editor
                                    //this.fixDef.restitution = 0
                                    this.fixDef.shape = this.bodyShapePoly
                                return this
                             * @description extract the polygons out of the PhysicsEditor json file and collect them into an array
                             * Physicseditor json example
                                 "ballon": [
                                             "density": 0.05, "friction": 0.5, "bounce": 0,
                                             "filter": { "categoryBits": 1, "maskBits": 65535 },
                                             "shape": [   98.5, 210  ,  98.5, 212  ,  92, 215.5  ,  82.5, 205  ,  91.5, 206  ,  97, 207.5  ]
                                         }  ,
                                             "density": 0.05, "friction": 0.5, "bounce": 0,
                                             "filter": { "categoryBits": 1, "maskBits": 65535 },
                                             "shape": [   81.5, 213  ,  82.5, 205  ,  92, 215.5  ,  83, 215.5  ]
                                         }  ,
                             * @method getPolysFromJson
                             * @return {Array}
                            getPolysFromJson: function () {
                                var vecs = []
                                for (var i = 0, l = this.jsondata.length; i < l; i++) {
                                    var poly = this.jsondata[i].shape
                                    var temp = []
                                    for (var i2 = 0, l2 = poly.length; i2 < l2; i2 = i2 + 2) {
                                        var vec = new b2Vec2(poly[i2] / this.scale, poly[i2 + 1] / this.scale)
                                return vecs
                             * @description use the CG.Bitmap traceContour method to get the shape of an bitmap. The result are 'only' triangulated polygons. Better results with concave polygons are calculated with Physicseditor, see getPolysFromJson.
                             * @todo final implemenation
                             // example code from demo-bitmap-contour.js
                             bitmap = new CG.Bitmap(Game.width, Game.height)
                             var contour = bitmap.traceContour()
                             var lightedContour = bitmap.lightenCountur(contour)
                             var triangulatedContour = bitmap.triangulateContour(lightedContour)
                             * @method getPolysFromBitmapTrace
                             * @param image
                             * @returns {Array}
                            getPolysFromBitmapTrace: function (image) {
                                var vecs = []
                                return vecs
                             * The origin of the vertices from physicseditor is top/left. This method makes the vecs centroid (centered origin) depending on image size.
                             * @todo put this stuff into getPolysFromJson?
                             * @method makeVecsCentroid
                             * @param vecs
                            makeVecsCentroid: function (vecs) {
                                var xcenter = this.xhandle / this.scale,
                                    ycenter = this.yhandle / this.scale
                                for (var p = 0, pl = vecs.length; p < pl; p++) {
                                    vecs[p].x = vecs[p].x - xcenter
                                    vecs[p].y = vecs[p].y - ycenter