API Docs for: 0.1.0

File: cangaja/box2d/b2d-rope.js

                         * @description
                         * B2DRope is a simple wrapper that creates a rope with segments.
                         * Just play with the params to get a good result.
                         var e = new CG.B2DRope({
                           name: 'player',
                           image: this.asset.getImageByName('glowball'),
                           x: 100,
                           y: 100,
                           length: 600,
                           segments: 20
                           segmentWidth: 4,
                           world: b2world,
                           scale: 40
                         * @class CG.B2DRope
                         * @extends CG.B2DEntity
                        CG.B2DEntity.extend('B2DRope', {
                             * Options:
                             * name {string}
                             * image {mixed}
                             * x {number}
                             * y (number}
                             * length {number}
                             * segments {number}
                             * segmentHeight {number}
                             * world {object}
                             * scale {number}
                             * @method init
                             * @constructor
                             * @param options {Object}
                             * @return {*}
                            init: function (options) {
                                CG._extend(this, {
                                     * @property length
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    length: 0,
                                     * @property segments
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    segments: 0,
                                     * @property segmentHeight
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    segmentHeight: 0,
                                     * @property segmentWidth
                                     * @type {*}
                                    segmentWidth: 0,
                                     * @property anchor
                                     * @type {b2Vec2}
                                    anchor: new b2Vec2(),
                                     * @property prevBody
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    prevBody: {},
                                     * @property bodyGroup
                                     * @type {Array}
                                    bodyGroup: [],
                                     * @property bodyCount
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    bodyCount: 0,
                                     * @property lowerAngle
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    lowerAngle: -25,
                                     * @property upperAngle
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    upperAngle: 25,
                                     * @property enableLimit
                                     * @type {boolean}
                                    enableLimit: true
                                this.instanceOf = 'B2DRope'
                                this.segmentHeight = ((this.length - this.y) / this.segments) / 2
                                // RopeStart
                                this.fixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef()
                                this.bodyShapeCircle = new b2CircleShape()
                                this.bodyDef = new b2BodyDef()
                                this.bodyDef.userData = this.id
                                this.bodyShapeCircle.m_radius = this.segmentWidth / this.scale
                                this.fixtureDef.density = this.density
                                this.fixtureDef.restitution = this.restitution
                                this.fixtureDef.friction = this.friction
                                this.fixtureDef.shape = this.bodyShapeCircle
                                this.bodyDef.position.SetXY(this.x / this.scale, this.y / this.scale)
                                this.body = this.bodyGroup[0] = this.world.CreateBody(this.bodyDef)
                                this.prevBody = this.bodyGroup[0]
                                // RopeSegments
                                this.fixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef()
                                this.bodyShapePoly = new b2PolygonShape()
                                this.bodyDef = new b2BodyDef()
                                this.bodyDef.userData = this.id
                                this.bodyShapePoly.SetAsBox(this.segmentWidth / this.scale, this.segmentHeight / this.scale)
                                this.bodyDef.type = box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody
                                this.fixtureDef.shape = this.bodyShapePoly
                                this.fixtureDef.density = this.density
                                this.fixtureDef.restitution = this.restitution
                                this.fixtureDef.friction = this.friction
                                this.jointDef = new b2RevoluteJointDef()
                                this.jointDef.lowerAngle = this.lowerAngle / CG.Const_180_PI
                                this.jointDef.upperAngle = this.upperAngle / CG.Const_180_PI
                                this.jointDef.enableLimit = this.enableLimit
                                for (var i = 0, l = this.segments; i < l; i++) {
                                    this.bodyDef.position.SetXY(this.x / this.scale, ((this.y + this.segmentHeight) + (this.segmentHeight * 2) * i) / this.scale)
                                    this.bodyGroup[i + 1] = this.world.CreateBody(this.bodyDef)
                                    this.bodyGroup[i + 1].CreateFixture(this.fixtureDef)
                                    this.anchor.SetXY(this.x / this.scale, (this.y + (this.segmentHeight * 2) * i) / this.scale)
                                    this.jointDef.Initialize(this.prevBody, this.bodyGroup[i + 1], this.anchor)
                                    this.prevBody = this.bodyGroup[i + 1]
                                    this.bodyCount = i + 1
                                return this
                            draw: function () {
                                for (var i = 1; i <= this.bodyCount; i++) {
                                    this.body = this.bodyGroup[i]