* @description
* B2DWorld is a Box2dWeb wrapper with basic and easy methods for creating Box2d Objects like
* lines, circles, rectangles, polybodies, ropes and bridges. Custom B2D Objects that extends
* one of the basic B2D objects can added to the B2DWorld with the addCustom method.
* The CG.B2DWorld can attached to an CG.Screen object as layer. The B2DWorld will handle
* all physics and drawings.
var w = new CG.B2DWorld({
name: 'box2d-world',
scale: 40,
debug: true,
sleep: true
* @class CG.B2DWorld
* @xtend CG.Layer
CG.Layer.extend('B2DWorld', {
* Options:
* name {string}
* sleep {boolean}
* scale {number}
* debug {boolean}
* @method init
* @constructor
* @param options {object}
init: function (options) {
CG._extend(this, {
* @property framerate
* @type {number}
framerate: 1 / 30,
* @property name
* @type {String}
name: '',
* @property debug
* @type {Boolean}
debug: false,
* @property x
* @type {Number}
x: 0,
* @property y
* @type {Number}
y: 0,
* @property elements
* @type {Array}
elements: [],
* @property uid
* @type {Number}
uid: 0, //uid counter for elements
* @property scale
* @type {Number}
scale: 40,
* @property sleep
* @type {Boolean}
sleep: true
if (options) {
CG._extend(this, options)
* @property world
* @type {b2World}
this.world = new b2World(
new b2Vec2(0, 10), //gravity
// add m_groundBody for use with b2MouseJoint
this.world.m_groundBody = this.world.CreateBody(new b2BodyDef());
//setup debug draw
var debugDraw = new b2DebugDraw({
scale: this.scale,
canvas: Game.b_canvas,
ctx: Game.b_ctx,
flags: box2d.b2DrawFlags.e_shapeBit | box2d.b2DrawFlags.e_jointBit | box2d.b2DrawFlags.e_centerOfMassBit
* @method update
update: function () {
this.framerate //frame-rate
, 10 //velocity iterations
, 10 //position iterations
if (CG.mousedown) {
this.mouseDownAt(mousex, mousey);
} else if (this.isMouseDown()) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.elements.length; i < l; i++) {
* @method draw
draw: function () {
Game.b_ctx.translate(this.x, this.y)
for (var i = 0, l = this.elements.length; i < l; i++) {
if (this.debug) {
* @description
* Custom extended objects can be added to the B2DWorld with this method.
* @method addCustom
* @param obj object custom B2D object
* @return {Object}
addCustom: function (obj) {
this.uid = this.uid + 1
obj.id.uid = this.uid
return obj
* @description
* Checks if a B2D body Exists
* @method deleteBodyAt
* @param body {Object}
* @return {Boolean}
checkIfBodyExists: function (body) {
if (body) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.elements.length; i < l; i++) {
//if b2entity found delete entity and b2body
if (this.elements[i].body.m_userData.uid == body.m_userData.uid) {
return true
return false
* Options:
* name {string}
* image {mixed} path to image, image or atlasimage from asset
* x {number}
* y {number}
* bodyType {number}
name: 'glowball',
image: this.asset.getImageByName('glowball'),
radius: 22,
x: this.mouse.x,
y: this.mouse.y,
bodyType: box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody
* @description
* createBox creates a basic Box2D rectangle with some default settings.
* @method createBox
* @param options {object}
* @return {CG.B2DRectangle}
createBox: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DRectangle(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* Options:
* name {string}
* startPoint {CG.Point}
* endPoint {CG.Point}
startPoint: new CG.Point(630, 200),
endPoint: new CG.Point(150, 250)
* @description
* createLine creates a basic Box2D line with some default settings.
* @method createLine
* @param options {object}
* @return {CG.B2DLine}
createLine: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DLine(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* Options:
* name {string}
* image {mixed} path to image, image or atlasimage from asset
* radius {number}
* x {number}
* y {number}
* bodyType {number}
name: 'glowball',
image: this.asset.getImageByName('glowball'),
radius: 22,
x: this.mouse.x,
y: this.mouse.y,
bodyType: box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody
* @description
* createCircle creates a basic Box2D circle with some default settings
* @method createCircle
* @param options {object}
* @return {CG.B2DCircle}
createCircle: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DCircle(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* Options:
* name {string}
* image {mixed} path to image, image or atlasimage from asset
* texturepacker {String}
* x {number}
* y {number}
* bodyType {number}
* bullet {boolean}
name: 'powerstar75',
image: this.asset.getImageByName('powerstar75'),
texturepacker: this.asset.getJsonByName('powerstar75'),
x: 200,
y: -150,
bodyType: box2d.b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody,
bullet: false
* @description
* createPolyBody creates a Box2D polybody. A PhysicsEditor json (Lime + Corona JSON Exporter) file is needed for this
* Box2D object. The polygonshape and some settings like density, bounce and friction are
* taken from the json file at the moment.
* @method createPolyBody
* @param options {object}
* @return {CG.B2DPolygon}
createPolyBody: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DPolygon(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* Options:
* name {string}
* image {mixed}
* points {array}
* x {number}
* y {number}
var terrainPolys =
outer: [{
x: 0,
y: 100.5
}, {
x: 1024,
y: 100.5
}, {
x: 1024,
y: 768
}, {
x: 0,
y: 768
holes: []
name: 'terrain',
image: false
terrainShape: terrainPolys,
* @description
* createTerrain
* @method createPolyBody
* @param options {String}
* @return {CG.B2DTerrain}
createTerrain: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DTerrain(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* Options:
* name {string}
* points {array}
* x {number}
* y {number}
chainArray = [
new CG.Point(0, 0),
new CG.Point(50, 10),
new CG.Point(100, 100),
new CG.Point(200, 100),
new CG.Point(250, 50),
new CG.Point(300, 70)
name: 'chaneshape',
points: chainArray,
x: 0,
y: 200
* @description
* createChainShape
* @method createChainShape
* @param options {object}
* @return {CG.B2DChainShape}
createChainShape: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DChainShape(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* Options:
* name {string}
* image {mixed} path to image, image or atlasimage from asset
* x {number}
* y {number}
* length {number}
* segments {number}
* segmentHeight {number}
x: 20,
y: 280,
length: 620,
segments: 27,
segmentHeight: 3
* @description
* This method creates a B2D bridge. Just play with the params to get a good result!
* @method createBridge
* @param options {object}
* @return {CG.B2DBridge}
createBridge: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DBridge(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* Options:
* name {string}
* image {mixed} path to image, image or atlasimage from asset
* x {number}
* y {number}
* length {number}
* segments {number}
* segmentWidth {number}
name: 'chain-v',
image: this.asset.getImageByName('chain-v'),
x: 580,
y: 0,
length: 200,
segments: 8,
segmentWidth: 3
* @description
* This method creates a B2D rope. Just play with the params to get a good result!
* @method createRope
* @param options {object}
* @return {CG.B2DRope}
createRope: function (options) {
options.world = this.world
options.scale = this.scale
this.uid = this.uid + 1
var entity = new CG.B2DRope(options)
entity.id.uid = this.uid
return entity
* @description
* Enables dragging B2D objects with the mouse.
* @method mouseDownAt
* @param x {Number}
* @param y {Number}
mouseDownAt: function (x, y) {
if (!this.mouseJoint) {
var body = this.getBodyAt(x, y)
if (body) {
var md = new b2MouseJointDef()
md.bodyA = this.world.m_groundBody
md.bodyB = body
md.target.SetXY((x - this.x) / this.scale, (y - this.y) / this.scale)
md.collideConnected = true
md.maxForce = 300.0 * body.GetMass()
this.mouseJoint = this.world.CreateJoint(md)
} else {
this.mouseJoint.SetTarget(new b2Vec2((x - this.x) / this.scale, (y - this.y) / this.scale))
* @method mouseUp
mouseUp: function () {
this.mouseJoint = null;
* @description
* Get a B2D body at the give x, y position.
* @method getBodyAt
* @param x {Number}
* @param y {Number}
* @return {*}
getBodyAt: function (x, y) {
var worldx = (x - this.x) / this.scale;
var worldy = (y - this.y) / this.scale
var mousePVec = new b2Vec2(worldx, worldy) //b2world offset for x and y!!!
var aabb = new b2AABB()
aabb.lowerBound.SetXY(worldx - 0.001, worldy - 0.001)
aabb.upperBound.SetXY(worldx + 0.001, worldy + 0.001)
// Query the world for overlapping shapes.
var selectedBody = null;
this.world.QueryAABB(function (fixture) {
if (fixture.GetBody().GetType() != b2Body.b2_staticBody) {
if (fixture.GetShape().TestPoint(fixture.GetBody().GetTransform(), mousePVec)) {
selectedBody = fixture.GetBody();
return false;
return true;
}, aabb);
return selectedBody;
* @description
* Deletes a B2D body at the given x, y position
* @method deleteBodyAt
* @param x {Number}
* @param y (Number)
* @return {Boolean}
deleteBodyAt: function (x, y) {
body = this.getBodyAt(x, y)
if (body) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.elements.length; i < l; i++) {
//if b2entity found delete entity and b2body
if (this.elements[i].body.m_userData.uid == body.m_userData.uid) {
return true
return false
* @method isMouseDown
* @return {Boolean}
isMouseDown: function () {
return (this.mouseJoint != null);
* @method removeElementByIndex
* @param index
removeElementByIndex: function (index) {
this.elements.splice(index, 1);
* @method removeElementByUid
* @param uid
removeElementByUid: function (uid) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.elements.length; i < l; i++) {
if (typeof this.elements[i] === 'object' && typeof this.elements[i].id !== 'undefined') {
if (this.elements[i].id.uid === uid) {
this.elements.splice(i, 1);
* @method applyImpulse
* @param body
* @param degrees
* @param power
applyImpulse: function (body, degrees, power) {
if (body) {
body.ApplyLinearImpulse(new b2Vec2(Math.cos(degrees * CG.Const_PI_180) * power,
Math.sin(degrees * CG.Const_PI_180) * power),
* @method addContactListener
* @param callbacks
addContactListener: function (callbacks) {
var listener = new box2d.b2ContactListener;
if (callbacks.BeginContact) listener.BeginContact = function (contact) {
if (callbacks.EndContact) listener.EndContact = function (contact) {
if (callbacks.PostSolve) listener.PostSolve = function (contact, impulse) {
if (callbacks.PreSolve) listener.PreSolve = function (contact, oldManifold) {
callbacks.PreSolve(contact, oldManifold);
* @method getBodySpec
* @param b
* @return {Object}
getBodySpec: function (b) {
return {x: b.GetPosition().x, y: b.GetPosition().y, a: b.GetAngle(), c: {x: b.GetWorldCenter().x, y: b.GetWorldCenter().y}};